This month the Public Broadcasting System is showing a “documentary” that tells a one-sided story of school privatization as told by Libertarian Andrew Coulson. This three-hour broadcast, called “School, Inc., “ airs nationwide in three PBS broadcasts. It can be best described as anti-public education propaganda.
Write your email of protest here:
Andrew Coulson, who is now deceased, was the director of Cato’s Center for Educational Freedom from 2005 to 2015. The extremist positions of Cato include the belief that discrimination based on race, religion, gender and sexual orientation should not be outlawed because the right to discriminate is a personal freedom. They have also proposed the elimination of public education. The Cato Institute applauded the appointment of Betsy DeVos who shares their radical views.
The film was funded by extreme right-wing conservative foundations--the Rose Mary and Jack Anderson Foundation, the Prometheus Foundation and the Steve and Lana Hardy Foundation.
The Public Broadcasting System must hear from you. This cannot go unchallenged.Join us in insisting that PBS also broadcast Diane Ravitch's response to Education, Inc. and show the film, Backpack Full of Cash, which presents the counter-argument to Schools, Inc.
To watch the video's go to
I wish I could publish the video's on my site here, but PBS has the video's protected.
We need your help! Here is what you can do.
1. Write your email to PBS by going here. We make it simple.
2. Call PBS and register your complaint and ask that they broadcast Diane Ravitch's response to School, Inc. and the film, Backpack Full of Cash. Here is the number to call: 1-703-739-5000.
3. Contact your local station and ask them to do the same. If your station has not played the series, ask them not to. You can find your local station's number here. All PBS stations are independent.
Our democracy depends on public education and responsible, balanced journalism. Your voice must be heard. PBS cannot be allowed to become a propaganda machine for the extreme right.
Thanks for all you do.
Here is the link to the email to post.