If no one else's names are listed these articles have been written by the website editor!
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From Time to time I will post things that reference Florida because that is where I live, but the information will apply to other states as well.
Orchestrated Chaos: Is local school board dysfunction led by Ziegler and Robinson part of larger scheme to discredit public schools? – by Jon Susce BY THE SCOOP NEWS - FRANCESCO ABBRUZZINO ON MAY 10, 2018
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B. F. Skinner's Wildest Dreams Come True!
Our Children Are To Be Robots!
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Once Again, Our Babies Are to Go Out with the Bath Water!
The presentation of H.R. 610 by Steve King (R-IA) and co-sponsor Trent Franks (R-AZ) and Pete Olson (R - TX) is a perfect example as to why all these legislators and people like Betsy DeVos who have no experience when it comes to the education of our children other than spending money and writing bills, need to stay as far away from education as possible.
"H.R. 610 - To distribute Federal funds for elementary and secondary education in the form of vouchers for eligible students and to repeal a certain rule relating to nutrition standards in schools is just another bill to the road of PRIVATIZING our children's education and YOU the parents will be left out of the equation.
Mr. Trump - was your idea to "eliminate" or "drastically reduce" the Federal Department of Education just another left over from the Reagan Administration? Reagan ran and got elected on the promise of shutting down the Federal Department of Education and then he appointed Terrell Bell as Education Secretary and he along with the likes of Sen. Lamar Alexander convinced Reagan we didn't need to "shut down" the department but "tweak it" and "tweak it" they did.
Not one person asked the question as to why Reagan chose Terrell Bell to be his Secretary of Education especially knowing Bell's opposition to abolishing the Dept. of Education. We seem to have a repeat of the Reagan years with Trump's appointment of DeVos whose whole agenda is to "privatize" education.
They tweaked it into a massive corporate Public-Private Partnership corporate frenzy using our children as "Human Capital" as they take their walks to the bank. We got education treaties with Russia and a place at the table for the NEA and the children got NOTHING but control of their futures by people whose whole desire was to use them as the roadmap to a New World Order by "Abolishing Our Representative Government Through the Education of Our Children".
How Dare You!
There is absolutely NOTHING in the Constitution regarding Education of any kind. When Reagan named George H.W. Bush, a member of the Skull and Bones secret order, the handwriting was on the wall for the future of our children's education. It was he that first threw out the idea of the Charter schools along with the New World Order.
The founder of the Skull and Bones Order was Daniel Colt Gilman, and activist in the revolution of education by the Order. Remember Bill Clinton who says he looks at George H.W. as a father figure is also Skull and Bones along with their buddies Scott Walker, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, and Mitt Romney.
Gilman's first task after returning from Europe in 1856 was to incorporate Skull and Bones with the legal entity of the Russell Trust. Gilman became President of Johns Hopkins University in 1874 and proceeded to start his revolution in education. He began by recruiting socialist G. Stanley Hall, who got his doctorate in psychology at Leipzig under Professor Wilhelm Wundt. Hall’s pupils included James McKeen Cattell and John Dewey, the founders of Progressive education. In 1898, Dewey outlined what had to be done to transform the public schools into a vehicle for the promotion of socialism.
"H.R. 610 - To distribute Federal funds for elementary and secondary education in the form of vouchers for eligible students and to repeal a certain rule relating to nutrition standards in schools is just another bill to the road of PRIVATIZING our children's education and YOU the parents will be left out of the equation.
Mr. Trump - was your idea to "eliminate" or "drastically reduce" the Federal Department of Education just another left over from the Reagan Administration? Reagan ran and got elected on the promise of shutting down the Federal Department of Education and then he appointed Terrell Bell as Education Secretary and he along with the likes of Sen. Lamar Alexander convinced Reagan we didn't need to "shut down" the department but "tweak it" and "tweak it" they did.
Not one person asked the question as to why Reagan chose Terrell Bell to be his Secretary of Education especially knowing Bell's opposition to abolishing the Dept. of Education. We seem to have a repeat of the Reagan years with Trump's appointment of DeVos whose whole agenda is to "privatize" education.
They tweaked it into a massive corporate Public-Private Partnership corporate frenzy using our children as "Human Capital" as they take their walks to the bank. We got education treaties with Russia and a place at the table for the NEA and the children got NOTHING but control of their futures by people whose whole desire was to use them as the roadmap to a New World Order by "Abolishing Our Representative Government Through the Education of Our Children".
How Dare You!
There is absolutely NOTHING in the Constitution regarding Education of any kind. When Reagan named George H.W. Bush, a member of the Skull and Bones secret order, the handwriting was on the wall for the future of our children's education. It was he that first threw out the idea of the Charter schools along with the New World Order.
The founder of the Skull and Bones Order was Daniel Colt Gilman, and activist in the revolution of education by the Order. Remember Bill Clinton who says he looks at George H.W. as a father figure is also Skull and Bones along with their buddies Scott Walker, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, and Mitt Romney.
Gilman's first task after returning from Europe in 1856 was to incorporate Skull and Bones with the legal entity of the Russell Trust. Gilman became President of Johns Hopkins University in 1874 and proceeded to start his revolution in education. He began by recruiting socialist G. Stanley Hall, who got his doctorate in psychology at Leipzig under Professor Wilhelm Wundt. Hall’s pupils included James McKeen Cattell and John Dewey, the founders of Progressive education. In 1898, Dewey outlined what had to be done to transform the public schools into a vehicle for the promotion of socialism.
The pro-socialist education establishment had been created. They held their confidential meetings at an annual event called the Cleveland Conference, organized in 1915 by Prof. Charles Judd, head of the University of Chicago School of Education. Judd, who also got his Ph.D. at Leipzig under Prof. Wilhelm Wundt, was leading the movement to organize education reform in conformity with psycho-progressive-socialist goals.
Among the members of the first Cleveland Conference were the president of the University of Chicago — who later became president of Yale, directors of the Sage and Rockefeller foundations, the director of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the founder of the World Federation of Education Associations, and top professors from Stanford and Columbia universities. They were joined in later years by such luminaries as the heads of CBS, the Carnegie Corporation, and Harvard University, and Ralph Tyler of Stanford, whose pioneering work in psychological testing helped Benjamin Bloom design Outcome-Based Education.
In Charlotte Iserbyt wonderful eye-opening book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America there is a copy of a letter to Bell from G. Leland Burningham, the then Superintendent of Public Instruction in Utah dated July 27, 1984 showing what an "insider" Bell was and how committed he was to the progressive movement of education:
Dear Ted:
I am forwarding this letter to accompany the proposal which you recommended Bill Spady and I prepare in connection with Outcome-Based Education.
This proposal centers around the detailed process by which we will work together to implement Outcome-Based Education using research verified programs. This will make it possible to put outcome-based education in place, not only in Utah but in all the schools of the nation. For those who desire, we will stand ready for regional and national dissemination of the Outcome-Based Education program.
We are beginning to see positive, preliminary results from some of the isolated schools in Utah which have implemented Outcome-Based Education. These positive indicators are really exciting!
We sincerely urge your support for funding the proposal as presented.
Warmest regards, Lee.
The bill would establish an education voucher program, through which each state shall distribute block grant funds among local educational agencies (LEAs) based on the number of eligible children within each LEA's geographical area. From these amounts, each LEA shall: (1) distribute a portion of funds to parents who elect to enroll their child in a private school or to home-school their child, and (2) do so in a manner that ensures that such payments will be used for appropriate educational expenses.
To be eligible to receive a block grant, a state must: (1) comply with education voucher program requirements, and (2) make it lawful for parents of an eligible child to elect to enroll their child in any public or private elementary or secondary school in the state or to home-school their child.
H.R. 610 is aimed at repealing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and limits the authority of the Department of Education (ED) such that ED is authorized only to award block grants to qualified AGENCIES WITHIN THE states. How will these agencies be selected, how will the agencies decide who is eligible and finally who is going to decide on what criteria which child will receive the vouchers and what happens to the rest of the kids.
And there you have it Moms and Dads - local educational agencies NOT ELCTED SCHOOL BOARDS and that is how you ABOLISH REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT THROUGH EDUCATION.
Your tax dollars distributed through grants and vouchers of which you will never know for sure where the money is coming from, who is getting what and you will have no say because the decisions as to who gets what money will be decided by "appointed" agencies.
We have been warning about CHARTER/CHOICE/VOUCHERS for 10 years - do you hear me now?
Over three years ago, I wrote about how Michael Farris' Home School Legal Defense Fund (HSLDF) was pushing for a Parental Rights Amendment to be placed on the Constitution. Farris' organization operates like an insurance company, charging the parents of Home School students a yearly fee just in case their state comes in and tells them they can no longer home school their children. I suggested to parents they would be further ahead if they banked that money themselves.
The Declaration of Independence tells us our Rights come from God not the government; they are unalienable. The very purpose of the government is to SECURE the rights God gave to us and when the government seeks to take away our rights it is time to throw them out with the “bath water.” The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights enumerates 30 + rights and states they come from “man” (constitution or laws). Not God but Man! Wrong!
Now to look at Michael Farris' web site and see what he says about our Rights. If you take the time to go to the website, you will see that once again it is being stated:
Our mission is to protect children by empowering parents through adoption of the Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and through state laws supporting fundamental parental rights.
It goes on to say:
Our team works to preserve the right of every current and future American child to be raised and represented by parents who love them, and not by disconnected government bureaucrats.
Farris has also stated the "United Nations Universal Declaration of States is dangerous and very capable of attacking the very core of the child-parent relationship, removing parents from their central role in the growth and development of a child, and replacing them with the long arm of government supervision within the home."
I will take Mr. Farris’ own words and turn them back on him. Yes, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is a very dangerous document and must never be agreed to by the United States; however, Mr. Farris uses that as an example to his followers as the very reason to support his PRA when they are no different. Both state parental rights are coming from the government not GOD. I wonder if some of the very religious Home School families realize this.
The only Supreme Court Justice I have ever had any respect for Justice Scalia, stated in his Dissent in Troxel v. Granville (2000): parental rights are “unalienable and come from God and are from the 9th Amendment; the Declaration of Independence does NOT delegate power to the federal courts – only the federal constitution; It is for State Legislators and candidates for that office to argue that the State has no power to interfere with parents' God-given authority over the rearing of their children, and to act accordingly. [The People need to elect State Legislators who understand that the State may not properly infringe God given parental rights]; the federal Constitution does not authorize judges to come up with their own lists of what "rights" people have; and the federal Constitution does not mention "parental rights" so the federal courts have no “judicial power” over these types of cases.
In his closing, Scalia warned against turning family law over to the federal government:
"…If we embrace this un-enumerated right ... we will be ushering in a new regime of judicially prescribed, and federally prescribed, family law. I have no reason to believe that federal judges will be better at this than state legislatures; and state legislatures have the great advantages of doing harm in a more circumscribed area, of being able to correct their mistakes in a flash, and of being removable by the people."
Be very careful parents in the wording that is thrown out to you. The original ESEA of 1965 was a very dangerous piece of legislation, but the ESSA of 2015 is much worse. While throwing your right to have a say in your child's education out the window, they are maintaining their right to tax you to fund private and religious schools and that is wrong. If they had wanted to do something right, they would have been giving Home School parents a deduction from their property taxes years ago to cover their additional costs in Home Schooling.
An additional warning to Home Schooling parents. Home Schooling was mentioned in the ESSA and now again here. What will stop them from passing legislation to make Home Schooling illegal? Our elected officials are no longer working for us - that has been very apparent for years as they are on a "march to a different tune" and it is not the Constitution.
Eliminating the Federal Department of Education won't mean ending meddling in state and local schools or stop them from funneling your money where they choose. Vouchers are a "death form" and another warning as to the destruction of Home Schooling.
There is no "school choice" in this - it is just words to make excuses for the federal governments further intrusion into the education and futures of your children.
As Anita Hoge so aptly put it the transformation is coming. How?
• Governance—removing locally elected school officials;
• Funding—ushering in federal choice and vouchers under the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) which will change our system of taxing and financing schools to one where the funding will follow the child (this is also a means to control private schools and expand charter schools);
• Charter schools—replacing your local neighborhood school with a zealous for-profit agenda so that there will no longer be parent or voter input, or elected school boards, specifically with an aim to kill public education.
• Common Core Standards—ushering in a system of individualized, psychotherapeutic learning; the standardization of teaching, testing, and technology in all 50 states; nationalizing education; and changing traditional education based on academics to a workforce training model.
The combination of all four points above puts this scenario together. It demonstrates that this is the plan for the destruction of our country.
No matter what you think the government is doing for you that is supposed to be good, as long as they control it -
Read the bill yourself - really read it. And think! Do some research - put in the names of Anita Hoge, Charlotte Iserbyt, Ann Herzer or Mary Thompson.
And for your information Home Schoolers are up in arms over this legislation and they should be, but they don't need the likes of the Michael Farris HSLDF organization to do it for them. Pick up your phones, slam their lines, overflow their mailboxes. It is time to let these legislators know who is really in charge of this country. You would have thought the recent election would have spelled it out, but it doesn't mean we can go to sleep.
It might help all the readers if you went to and read some of the documents presented there - I certainly learned a great deal as there is no better teacher than the words that come from ones mouth or are put there by their pen, both good for our children and bad.
Please do not mistake anything I have said here to mean I support the Unions as I do not. The NEA especially has played a very large role in pushing our education system to the far left to communism. All the liberal professors did not end up in our colleges and universities by accident.
And by the way, showing our Secretary of Education knows nothing about our education system - she recently stated we no longer have Common Core, that it was replaced by the ESSA in late 2015. Not true!
According to her own Federal Dept. of Edu website, the ESSA eliminated the legislation pertaining to the No Child Left Behind Act. What it did for Common Core was give the states the option to keep the Common Sore Standards or they can set their standards under the ESSA. Once again, playing games with our children's education.
Among the members of the first Cleveland Conference were the president of the University of Chicago — who later became president of Yale, directors of the Sage and Rockefeller foundations, the director of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the founder of the World Federation of Education Associations, and top professors from Stanford and Columbia universities. They were joined in later years by such luminaries as the heads of CBS, the Carnegie Corporation, and Harvard University, and Ralph Tyler of Stanford, whose pioneering work in psychological testing helped Benjamin Bloom design Outcome-Based Education.
In Charlotte Iserbyt wonderful eye-opening book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America there is a copy of a letter to Bell from G. Leland Burningham, the then Superintendent of Public Instruction in Utah dated July 27, 1984 showing what an "insider" Bell was and how committed he was to the progressive movement of education:
Dear Ted:
I am forwarding this letter to accompany the proposal which you recommended Bill Spady and I prepare in connection with Outcome-Based Education.
This proposal centers around the detailed process by which we will work together to implement Outcome-Based Education using research verified programs. This will make it possible to put outcome-based education in place, not only in Utah but in all the schools of the nation. For those who desire, we will stand ready for regional and national dissemination of the Outcome-Based Education program.
We are beginning to see positive, preliminary results from some of the isolated schools in Utah which have implemented Outcome-Based Education. These positive indicators are really exciting!
We sincerely urge your support for funding the proposal as presented.
Warmest regards, Lee.
The bill would establish an education voucher program, through which each state shall distribute block grant funds among local educational agencies (LEAs) based on the number of eligible children within each LEA's geographical area. From these amounts, each LEA shall: (1) distribute a portion of funds to parents who elect to enroll their child in a private school or to home-school their child, and (2) do so in a manner that ensures that such payments will be used for appropriate educational expenses.
To be eligible to receive a block grant, a state must: (1) comply with education voucher program requirements, and (2) make it lawful for parents of an eligible child to elect to enroll their child in any public or private elementary or secondary school in the state or to home-school their child.
H.R. 610 is aimed at repealing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and limits the authority of the Department of Education (ED) such that ED is authorized only to award block grants to qualified AGENCIES WITHIN THE states. How will these agencies be selected, how will the agencies decide who is eligible and finally who is going to decide on what criteria which child will receive the vouchers and what happens to the rest of the kids.
And there you have it Moms and Dads - local educational agencies NOT ELCTED SCHOOL BOARDS and that is how you ABOLISH REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT THROUGH EDUCATION.
Your tax dollars distributed through grants and vouchers of which you will never know for sure where the money is coming from, who is getting what and you will have no say because the decisions as to who gets what money will be decided by "appointed" agencies.
We have been warning about CHARTER/CHOICE/VOUCHERS for 10 years - do you hear me now?
Over three years ago, I wrote about how Michael Farris' Home School Legal Defense Fund (HSLDF) was pushing for a Parental Rights Amendment to be placed on the Constitution. Farris' organization operates like an insurance company, charging the parents of Home School students a yearly fee just in case their state comes in and tells them they can no longer home school their children. I suggested to parents they would be further ahead if they banked that money themselves.
The Declaration of Independence tells us our Rights come from God not the government; they are unalienable. The very purpose of the government is to SECURE the rights God gave to us and when the government seeks to take away our rights it is time to throw them out with the “bath water.” The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights enumerates 30 + rights and states they come from “man” (constitution or laws). Not God but Man! Wrong!
Now to look at Michael Farris' web site and see what he says about our Rights. If you take the time to go to the website, you will see that once again it is being stated:
Our mission is to protect children by empowering parents through adoption of the Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and through state laws supporting fundamental parental rights.
It goes on to say:
Our team works to preserve the right of every current and future American child to be raised and represented by parents who love them, and not by disconnected government bureaucrats.
Farris has also stated the "United Nations Universal Declaration of States is dangerous and very capable of attacking the very core of the child-parent relationship, removing parents from their central role in the growth and development of a child, and replacing them with the long arm of government supervision within the home."
I will take Mr. Farris’ own words and turn them back on him. Yes, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is a very dangerous document and must never be agreed to by the United States; however, Mr. Farris uses that as an example to his followers as the very reason to support his PRA when they are no different. Both state parental rights are coming from the government not GOD. I wonder if some of the very religious Home School families realize this.
The only Supreme Court Justice I have ever had any respect for Justice Scalia, stated in his Dissent in Troxel v. Granville (2000): parental rights are “unalienable and come from God and are from the 9th Amendment; the Declaration of Independence does NOT delegate power to the federal courts – only the federal constitution; It is for State Legislators and candidates for that office to argue that the State has no power to interfere with parents' God-given authority over the rearing of their children, and to act accordingly. [The People need to elect State Legislators who understand that the State may not properly infringe God given parental rights]; the federal Constitution does not authorize judges to come up with their own lists of what "rights" people have; and the federal Constitution does not mention "parental rights" so the federal courts have no “judicial power” over these types of cases.
In his closing, Scalia warned against turning family law over to the federal government:
"…If we embrace this un-enumerated right ... we will be ushering in a new regime of judicially prescribed, and federally prescribed, family law. I have no reason to believe that federal judges will be better at this than state legislatures; and state legislatures have the great advantages of doing harm in a more circumscribed area, of being able to correct their mistakes in a flash, and of being removable by the people."
Be very careful parents in the wording that is thrown out to you. The original ESEA of 1965 was a very dangerous piece of legislation, but the ESSA of 2015 is much worse. While throwing your right to have a say in your child's education out the window, they are maintaining their right to tax you to fund private and religious schools and that is wrong. If they had wanted to do something right, they would have been giving Home School parents a deduction from their property taxes years ago to cover their additional costs in Home Schooling.
An additional warning to Home Schooling parents. Home Schooling was mentioned in the ESSA and now again here. What will stop them from passing legislation to make Home Schooling illegal? Our elected officials are no longer working for us - that has been very apparent for years as they are on a "march to a different tune" and it is not the Constitution.
Eliminating the Federal Department of Education won't mean ending meddling in state and local schools or stop them from funneling your money where they choose. Vouchers are a "death form" and another warning as to the destruction of Home Schooling.
There is no "school choice" in this - it is just words to make excuses for the federal governments further intrusion into the education and futures of your children.
As Anita Hoge so aptly put it the transformation is coming. How?
• Governance—removing locally elected school officials;
• Funding—ushering in federal choice and vouchers under the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) which will change our system of taxing and financing schools to one where the funding will follow the child (this is also a means to control private schools and expand charter schools);
• Charter schools—replacing your local neighborhood school with a zealous for-profit agenda so that there will no longer be parent or voter input, or elected school boards, specifically with an aim to kill public education.
• Common Core Standards—ushering in a system of individualized, psychotherapeutic learning; the standardization of teaching, testing, and technology in all 50 states; nationalizing education; and changing traditional education based on academics to a workforce training model.
The combination of all four points above puts this scenario together. It demonstrates that this is the plan for the destruction of our country.
No matter what you think the government is doing for you that is supposed to be good, as long as they control it -
Read the bill yourself - really read it. And think! Do some research - put in the names of Anita Hoge, Charlotte Iserbyt, Ann Herzer or Mary Thompson.
And for your information Home Schoolers are up in arms over this legislation and they should be, but they don't need the likes of the Michael Farris HSLDF organization to do it for them. Pick up your phones, slam their lines, overflow their mailboxes. It is time to let these legislators know who is really in charge of this country. You would have thought the recent election would have spelled it out, but it doesn't mean we can go to sleep.
It might help all the readers if you went to and read some of the documents presented there - I certainly learned a great deal as there is no better teacher than the words that come from ones mouth or are put there by their pen, both good for our children and bad.
Please do not mistake anything I have said here to mean I support the Unions as I do not. The NEA especially has played a very large role in pushing our education system to the far left to communism. All the liberal professors did not end up in our colleges and universities by accident.
And by the way, showing our Secretary of Education knows nothing about our education system - she recently stated we no longer have Common Core, that it was replaced by the ESSA in late 2015. Not true!
According to her own Federal Dept. of Edu website, the ESSA eliminated the legislation pertaining to the No Child Left Behind Act. What it did for Common Core was give the states the option to keep the Common Sore Standards or they can set their standards under the ESSA. Once again, playing games with our children's education.
Betsy DeVos and her husband, Dick DeVos Jr., are perhaps best known as big-time donors to Republican candidates and groups. Jeb Bush gave her the highest accolade he could from his point of view and that was Bush calling DeVos as a major contributor to the Republican Party. The Party? That’s all?
Jeb Bush of Florida, where Ms. DeVos helped push legislation establishing tax credits for scholarships to private schools, called her an “outstanding pick,” a “passionate change agent to press for a new education vision.”
Change Agents are someone who are assigned or directed to intentionally change social attitudes, cultural values, thoughts, attitudes and morals of school children. TARGET: To change parental and church inspired morals, values and attitudes regarding life in general that is taught at home to destroy all PARENTAL INFLUENCE. Some teachers are change agents – trained to be change agents.
Not that DeVos is an excellent educator because she isn’t and not that she has worked to improve education with something besides her billions because she is all about two things; the Republican Party and using her money to buy her way!
The closest she has come to actually being involved in education was in pushing policy which is school choice with vouchers. Conservative school choice activists hailed her as a disrupter, and as someone who would block what they see as federal intrusion of local schools all the while using public tax dollars to feed into private schools. That is taxation without representation.
American parents must understand that what is wrong with the public education system is the non-educators like DeVos and legislators who know nothing about the education of children and are determined to control our children and their futures as “human capital”. The plan has been laid out for years and they have been even dumb enough to put their ideas and plans on paper.
DeVos is used to using her money to get what she wants and what she thinks is right for others. In the 2016 election year for example, she and her husband gave $2.7 million to Republican candidates.
Funneling citizens tax dollars into Charter School Management companies which include Muslim Gulen schools only to have them fail with the massive fraud, corruption, and no excuses education and the massive use of H-1B and EB-5 visa’s is out of control. People like DeVos who believe they can buy their way following the “yellow brick road” to total private education and ruling the country through our children are selfish and self-centered.
This is why they are fighting so hard to gain control of homeschoolers because they know they have no control there. Those parents are still putting their tax dollars into the till while paying extra for home school non-common core curriculums.
The DeVos campaign donation records have a very long trail. The part that bothers me is the most of those donations went to Senators (20) who will be casting votes as to yes or no for her confirmation and are on the Senate education committee and subsequently on the Senate floor.
There have not been any campaign records presented that show that DeVos’ contributed to the Trump campaign of which I would not be surprised as they were strong Rubio contributors.
However, it has been revealed Robert Mercer, the billionaire hedge funder and his daughter Rebekah ran one of the most important super PAC's to Trump, Make America Number 1 super PAC. Erik Prince and his mother, Elsa, were two of the largest contributors to one of the most significant super PACs that supported Donald Trump.
In addition, it has been revealed Betsy DeVos’s brother, Erik Prince, the founder of the mercenary firm Blackwater, has been quietly advising Trump’s transition team, including helping to vet Cabinet picks. On election night, Prince’s wife, Stacy DeLuke, even posted pictures from inside Trump’s campaign headquarters.
Do not ever forget Erik Prince views himself as the rightful heir to the legacy of "Wild Bill" Donovan, who was the head of the agency that was the precursor to the CIA.
Betsy DeVos is not the first individual for whom issues of campaign donations and Cabinet appointments have mixed, but it is a very serious issue to consider. For example, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny S. Pritzker has given money to Democratic Party candidates and causes for many years and was a campaign donation "bundler" for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012. She became President Obama's commerce secretary in 2013.
Over the years the DeVos’ have donated to individuals at varying levels of government who are involved in the education of our children. I personally resent these individuals who believe their money is what is required or wanted to lay out our children’s futures. That is the parent’s rights to do and the whole goal the DeVos’ and their political friends have laid out and support is THEIR control of your children.
How many times do we have to repeat Senator Lamar Alexander’s statement of controlling our children from “cradle to grave”, “sunrise to sunset” and away from their parents? The whole thing is to break the ideology and teaching of children by their parents. Parents are to no longer be part of the equation.
In 1997, Betsy DeVos wrote an op-ed for the newspaper Roll Call in which she defended "soft money" (campaign contributions to political parties that avoid legal limits on contributions to individual candidates).
Jeb Bush of Florida, where Ms. DeVos helped push legislation establishing tax credits for scholarships to private schools, called her an “outstanding pick,” a “passionate change agent to press for a new education vision.”
Change Agents are someone who are assigned or directed to intentionally change social attitudes, cultural values, thoughts, attitudes and morals of school children. TARGET: To change parental and church inspired morals, values and attitudes regarding life in general that is taught at home to destroy all PARENTAL INFLUENCE. Some teachers are change agents – trained to be change agents.
Not that DeVos is an excellent educator because she isn’t and not that she has worked to improve education with something besides her billions because she is all about two things; the Republican Party and using her money to buy her way!
The closest she has come to actually being involved in education was in pushing policy which is school choice with vouchers. Conservative school choice activists hailed her as a disrupter, and as someone who would block what they see as federal intrusion of local schools all the while using public tax dollars to feed into private schools. That is taxation without representation.
American parents must understand that what is wrong with the public education system is the non-educators like DeVos and legislators who know nothing about the education of children and are determined to control our children and their futures as “human capital”. The plan has been laid out for years and they have been even dumb enough to put their ideas and plans on paper.
DeVos is used to using her money to get what she wants and what she thinks is right for others. In the 2016 election year for example, she and her husband gave $2.7 million to Republican candidates.
Funneling citizens tax dollars into Charter School Management companies which include Muslim Gulen schools only to have them fail with the massive fraud, corruption, and no excuses education and the massive use of H-1B and EB-5 visa’s is out of control. People like DeVos who believe they can buy their way following the “yellow brick road” to total private education and ruling the country through our children are selfish and self-centered.
This is why they are fighting so hard to gain control of homeschoolers because they know they have no control there. Those parents are still putting their tax dollars into the till while paying extra for home school non-common core curriculums.
The DeVos campaign donation records have a very long trail. The part that bothers me is the most of those donations went to Senators (20) who will be casting votes as to yes or no for her confirmation and are on the Senate education committee and subsequently on the Senate floor.
There have not been any campaign records presented that show that DeVos’ contributed to the Trump campaign of which I would not be surprised as they were strong Rubio contributors.
However, it has been revealed Robert Mercer, the billionaire hedge funder and his daughter Rebekah ran one of the most important super PAC's to Trump, Make America Number 1 super PAC. Erik Prince and his mother, Elsa, were two of the largest contributors to one of the most significant super PACs that supported Donald Trump.
In addition, it has been revealed Betsy DeVos’s brother, Erik Prince, the founder of the mercenary firm Blackwater, has been quietly advising Trump’s transition team, including helping to vet Cabinet picks. On election night, Prince’s wife, Stacy DeLuke, even posted pictures from inside Trump’s campaign headquarters.
Do not ever forget Erik Prince views himself as the rightful heir to the legacy of "Wild Bill" Donovan, who was the head of the agency that was the precursor to the CIA.
Betsy DeVos is not the first individual for whom issues of campaign donations and Cabinet appointments have mixed, but it is a very serious issue to consider. For example, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny S. Pritzker has given money to Democratic Party candidates and causes for many years and was a campaign donation "bundler" for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012. She became President Obama's commerce secretary in 2013.
Over the years the DeVos’ have donated to individuals at varying levels of government who are involved in the education of our children. I personally resent these individuals who believe their money is what is required or wanted to lay out our children’s futures. That is the parent’s rights to do and the whole goal the DeVos’ and their political friends have laid out and support is THEIR control of your children.
How many times do we have to repeat Senator Lamar Alexander’s statement of controlling our children from “cradle to grave”, “sunrise to sunset” and away from their parents? The whole thing is to break the ideology and teaching of children by their parents. Parents are to no longer be part of the equation.
In 1997, Betsy DeVos wrote an op-ed for the newspaper Roll Call in which she defended "soft money" (campaign contributions to political parties that avoid legal limits on contributions to individual candidates).
I wrote this article a couple of years ago because of the ongoing problems with KIPP Charter schools and a great deal has not changed. Tagged today as a "no excuses" type of education
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The NEA and Other Game Players!
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Stealing Control of Our Children!
U.S. Government Once Again Invading Our Homes!
By Dianemarie 2/15/2015
I wrote about this in 2012 shortly after they released the National Sexuality Education Standards (NSES) which is when we first got wind of it. Kathleen Sebelius at the time was Obama’s Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) and she was all for this “policy”.
It wasn’t long after the NSES standards were released we learned how sexuality was being intertwined throughout the Common Core curriculum. This link will show you how the Sexuality Standards are set up grade by grade (go to page 12).
Kathleen Sebelius was a very good Democrat but a lousy individual when it came to overseeing the welfare of the children of this country.
Recently the U.S. Department of Health in conjunction with the HHS have pushed what they believe to be their role as “Big Daddy” and have released a draft document which outlines for all the plan on how our government plans to treat the families. Families will be considered EQUAL partners with the Federal government, but on an UNEQUAL basis the government will have the right to intervene and monitor how your children are being raised at home and how they act in the classroom.
The policy statement of the recent draft states, “This policy statement is to provide recommendations from the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Education (ED) on systematically engaging families in their children’s development, learning, and wellness, across early childhood and elementary education settings.
Now parents will have a set of “standards” or “Parenting Intervention” on how they are supposed to raise their children all for the sole purpose to “ensure your child’s social-emotional and behavioral needs are met.”
I wrote about this in 2012 shortly after they released the National Sexuality Education Standards (NSES) which is when we first got wind of it. Kathleen Sebelius at the time was Obama’s Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) and she was all for this “policy”.
It wasn’t long after the NSES standards were released we learned how sexuality was being intertwined throughout the Common Core curriculum. This link will show you how the Sexuality Standards are set up grade by grade (go to page 12).
Kathleen Sebelius was a very good Democrat but a lousy individual when it came to overseeing the welfare of the children of this country.
Recently the U.S. Department of Health in conjunction with the HHS have pushed what they believe to be their role as “Big Daddy” and have released a draft document which outlines for all the plan on how our government plans to treat the families. Families will be considered EQUAL partners with the Federal government, but on an UNEQUAL basis the government will have the right to intervene and monitor how your children are being raised at home and how they act in the classroom.
The policy statement of the recent draft states, “This policy statement is to provide recommendations from the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Education (ED) on systematically engaging families in their children’s development, learning, and wellness, across early childhood and elementary education settings.
Now parents will have a set of “standards” or “Parenting Intervention” on how they are supposed to raise their children all for the sole purpose to “ensure your child’s social-emotional and behavioral needs are met.”
How much longer do the parents and other taxpayers of the State of Florida have to deal with the ongoing lies and deception being played out by Governor Rick Scott, Commissioner of Education Pam Stewart, Florida’s legislators and the influence of the likes of people such as Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, David Coleman, Bill Gates, Lemar Alexander and all other persons or companies who will see a financial gain from the boondoggle of the Common Core?
I apologize to the parents and taxpayers of other states since they have been lied to about the same things for far too long – AND, they want us to re-elect them and if we utter one word against them the threats begin.
One of the most distressing characteristics of education reformers is that they are hyper-focused on how students perform, but they ignore how students learn. There was a marked decline in exposure to social studies, science, music, art and physical education between 1999 – 2006 and an increased emphasis on reading instruction. Teachers reported spending as much time on reading as all other subjects combined.
Then why is it that approximately 50% of those graduating from high school and going on to college have to take remedial classes in reading and math? My guess would be the increased insertion of “outcome-based education through those years.
Standards are an evolution of the earlier OBE (outcomes-based education) which was largely rejected in the United States as unworkable in the 1990s. In contrast, the more modest "standards" reform has been limited to the core goals of the OBE programs as:
· the creation of curriculum frameworks which outline specific knowledge or skills which students must acquire
· an emphasis on criterion-referenced assessments which are aligned to the frameworks
· the imposition of some high-stakes tests, such as graduation examinations requiring a high standard of performance to receive a diploma
Now we have full blown “dumbing down” indoctrination through Common Core!
To make matters worse, the drafters of the Common Core ignored the research on child development. In 2010, 500 child development experts warned the drafters that the standards called for exactly the kind of damaging practices that inhibit learning: direct instruction along with inappropriate academic content and testing.
The standards movement can be traced to the efforts of Marc Tucker's NCEE which adapted aspects of William Spady's OBE movement into a system based on creating standards and assessments for a Certificate of Initial Mastery. The goal – a severe weakening of the education system based on lies of “improving” the system.
This credential has since been abandoned by every state which first adopted the concept, including Washington and Oregon and largely replaced by graduation examinations, not to mention the extreme failures this practice produced. Tucker’s organization had contracts with states and districts covering as many as half of all American school children by their own claims, and many states enacted education reform legislation in the early 1990’s based on this model, which was also known at the time as "performance-based education" as OBE (and the non-OBE progressive reforms co-marketed with it) had been too widely attacked to be saleable under that name. (Re-branding sound familiar?)
Though the standards movement has a stronger backing from conservatives than OBE by adopting a platform of raising higher academic standards, other conservatives believe that it is merely a re-labeling of a failed, unrealistic vision. It is believed to be the educational equivalent of a planned economy which attempts to require all children to perform at world-class levels merely by raising expectations and imposing punishments and sanctions on schools and children who fall short of the new standards.
The warnings went unheeded. Consequently, the Common Core exacerbates the developmentally inappropriate practices which have been on the rise since NCLB.
Additionally, we all have had to deal with the lies of our elected officials and others who claim they know what is best for our children when they themselves are NOT educators or child development experts. People like David Coleman have just been paid to spread a “political dream” using our children as “human collateral”.
I’m sure most of the states that have been caught up in this education quagmire have been lied to too! I certainly hope it has not been as often and by as many as here in Florida.
On May 22, 2014 Gov. Scott stated to Floridians and anyone else who cared to listen, that Common Core was a “thing of the past” and that Florida’s educational standards were Florida’s not the federal government’s under the name of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
He tried to remind us who he believes are deaf, dumb and blind that the Florida legislature had passed 3 bills during the last session that would remove the worst of the worst pertaining to the CCSS. Whatever name they have been or are going to give to our state standards doesn’t matter. What matters is the content of those standards and the curriculum that is used. They are still the same CCSS with a few tweaks.
Additionally, Scott and others have tried to assure us that the changes Florida made to the remaining standards would make everyone happy because “they” followed our informational input on what we disliked the most about the CCSS. One of those items was cursive writing so they put it back in, but what they aren’t telling you is the changes they made come to approximately 1%! ONE PERCENT!
To add insult to injury, Scott even lied about making it better for the state by pulling out of PARCC and replacing them with American Institutes for Research (AIR). As reported by StateImpact on March 17, 2014, “the new, as-yet-unnamed test is required because Florida is finishing the switch to new math, language arts and literacy standards largely based on the Common Core State Standards adopted by Florida and 44 other states. The current Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test was not designed for the new standards”.
But wait, I thought Scott reported the Standards were changed in February, 2014! That is exactly what the FLDOE web site states.
They clearly want to make the case that AIR is an independent entity outside of PARCC and Smart Balance (SBAC), but they aren’t. As reported here, AIR is partnered with the SBAC.
Would it interest you to know that Dr. Mark Schneider, AIR Vice-President and Institute Fellow for their Education Program is also sitting on the Board of the U.N. UNESCO for education and his term doesn’t end until 12/31/2015? From 2005-2008 he served as the Commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics. He is also the Vice-President at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).
Governor Scott – who have you put us in bed with this time?
Our legislature should have done much better by our children in regards to their education, but they are more interested in legislation to further their goal in regards to Charter schools and vouchers. Just why do you think that is?
They are willing to give our children the CCSS, and then they tell you to get your kids out of public school under the voucher program and into a Charter school when the Charter schools and some Private ones are using the CCSS.
Why aren’t you asking yourself WHY the big push by the Federal government and the Florida legislature to push the Charter schools and Vouchers?
This is how the Florida legislature hurt our children this past session in regard to education -
SB 188 - Student Data Privacy:
· prohibits the disclosure of confidential information exempting education records to the federal government or any person, public body, politic or political subdivision – in other words, only student information as a whole or group is to be released, not individual student information.
· Florida will be compliant with FERPA as long as FERPA regulations do NOT over-ride Florida Statute 102.222 student’s protection laid out within SB188 – to supersede this it must be done by a court order or subpoena.
· SB 188 did nothing to stop the disclosure of student education data. It must be information on the student’s as a whole – not individual.
· The Florida schools will no longer use a child’s Social Security # as their identifier – they are to be given an identifying ID# of another source.
· Florida will no longer release Biometric information of a student or a student’s parents or siblings i.e., religious or political affiliation or voting history.
· Palm scanning is still approved but for breakfast and lunch programs only. (So what will be next?)
SB188 should have gone much further focusing on our individual state’s rights in protecting our children’s information and that of their families and teachers.
HB 864 - Instructional Materials for K-12 Public Education: back in 2013 the legislature passed a law giving the local school districts the option to choose from state reviewed textbooks or the school districts could choose their own textbooks, however they would still have to be Common Core aligned.
The 2013 bill was a disaster in the first place because whoever was appointed to review the textbooks to be used has done a very bad job of it especially in the LA department.
Since the Florida Senate and House could not agree on the language within this bill the only change they made was to create an appeals process for parents to object to textbooks and a requirement for notification before a school district adopts material. Originally this bill was to have given local control of educational materials back to the districts.
They never intended to really advance anywhere with this bill since the Florida Statutes and “Next Generation Sunshine State Standards” included curriculum standards that are found within the federal Common Core Standards. Also there is the intention to still end up with standardized testing being administered by Common Core compliant testing (AIR) and funding being contingent upon the student results of the end of year exams administered by Common Core compliant testing (AIR).
What other choices do the districts have but to choose Common Core compliant instructional material?
And last but certainly not least –
HB 7031 – Education: Since 2008 the Florida Education Standards have been renamed 3 times:
· 2008 Florida Sunshine State Standards
· 2010 Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
· 2014 Florida Standards
HB 7031 was all about renaming the Common Core standards. In the 2010 legislative session the legislature passed SB 1076, which changed Sunshine State Standards to Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and defined it to include Common Core Standards in Math and English. Refer to page 8 of SB 1076: “Next Generation Sunshine State Standards” means the state’s public K-12 curricular standards, including common core standards in English Language Arts and mathematics, adopted under s. 1003.41”.
Never forget this was all done prior to the standards having been written, not read by anyone in the state nor any legislative process followed – the whole process was under the direction of the CCSSO, NGA and the bribery of Obama through RTTT.
HB 7031 simply deleted references to Common Core Standards, and despite minor changes, they are still 99.1% Common Core. They can call it what they want, it is still Common Core Standards including the other bad aspects of Common Core, including assessments, curriculum, textbooks and database.
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"!
In other words, there are people out there who are not what they seem. Some people will pretend friendship for all of the wrong reasons, such as for money, or something else that can benefit them. In either case, this is not good.
''This is an impressive crowd — the haves and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite. I call you my base.'' — George W. Bush, at the annual Al Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner, Oct. 19, 2000. I wonder if this is the same motto Gov. Scott is operating under.
I apologize to the parents and taxpayers of other states since they have been lied to about the same things for far too long – AND, they want us to re-elect them and if we utter one word against them the threats begin.
One of the most distressing characteristics of education reformers is that they are hyper-focused on how students perform, but they ignore how students learn. There was a marked decline in exposure to social studies, science, music, art and physical education between 1999 – 2006 and an increased emphasis on reading instruction. Teachers reported spending as much time on reading as all other subjects combined.
Then why is it that approximately 50% of those graduating from high school and going on to college have to take remedial classes in reading and math? My guess would be the increased insertion of “outcome-based education through those years.
Standards are an evolution of the earlier OBE (outcomes-based education) which was largely rejected in the United States as unworkable in the 1990s. In contrast, the more modest "standards" reform has been limited to the core goals of the OBE programs as:
· the creation of curriculum frameworks which outline specific knowledge or skills which students must acquire
· an emphasis on criterion-referenced assessments which are aligned to the frameworks
· the imposition of some high-stakes tests, such as graduation examinations requiring a high standard of performance to receive a diploma
Now we have full blown “dumbing down” indoctrination through Common Core!
To make matters worse, the drafters of the Common Core ignored the research on child development. In 2010, 500 child development experts warned the drafters that the standards called for exactly the kind of damaging practices that inhibit learning: direct instruction along with inappropriate academic content and testing.
The standards movement can be traced to the efforts of Marc Tucker's NCEE which adapted aspects of William Spady's OBE movement into a system based on creating standards and assessments for a Certificate of Initial Mastery. The goal – a severe weakening of the education system based on lies of “improving” the system.
This credential has since been abandoned by every state which first adopted the concept, including Washington and Oregon and largely replaced by graduation examinations, not to mention the extreme failures this practice produced. Tucker’s organization had contracts with states and districts covering as many as half of all American school children by their own claims, and many states enacted education reform legislation in the early 1990’s based on this model, which was also known at the time as "performance-based education" as OBE (and the non-OBE progressive reforms co-marketed with it) had been too widely attacked to be saleable under that name. (Re-branding sound familiar?)
Though the standards movement has a stronger backing from conservatives than OBE by adopting a platform of raising higher academic standards, other conservatives believe that it is merely a re-labeling of a failed, unrealistic vision. It is believed to be the educational equivalent of a planned economy which attempts to require all children to perform at world-class levels merely by raising expectations and imposing punishments and sanctions on schools and children who fall short of the new standards.
The warnings went unheeded. Consequently, the Common Core exacerbates the developmentally inappropriate practices which have been on the rise since NCLB.
Additionally, we all have had to deal with the lies of our elected officials and others who claim they know what is best for our children when they themselves are NOT educators or child development experts. People like David Coleman have just been paid to spread a “political dream” using our children as “human collateral”.
I’m sure most of the states that have been caught up in this education quagmire have been lied to too! I certainly hope it has not been as often and by as many as here in Florida.
On May 22, 2014 Gov. Scott stated to Floridians and anyone else who cared to listen, that Common Core was a “thing of the past” and that Florida’s educational standards were Florida’s not the federal government’s under the name of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
He tried to remind us who he believes are deaf, dumb and blind that the Florida legislature had passed 3 bills during the last session that would remove the worst of the worst pertaining to the CCSS. Whatever name they have been or are going to give to our state standards doesn’t matter. What matters is the content of those standards and the curriculum that is used. They are still the same CCSS with a few tweaks.
Additionally, Scott and others have tried to assure us that the changes Florida made to the remaining standards would make everyone happy because “they” followed our informational input on what we disliked the most about the CCSS. One of those items was cursive writing so they put it back in, but what they aren’t telling you is the changes they made come to approximately 1%! ONE PERCENT!
To add insult to injury, Scott even lied about making it better for the state by pulling out of PARCC and replacing them with American Institutes for Research (AIR). As reported by StateImpact on March 17, 2014, “the new, as-yet-unnamed test is required because Florida is finishing the switch to new math, language arts and literacy standards largely based on the Common Core State Standards adopted by Florida and 44 other states. The current Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test was not designed for the new standards”.
But wait, I thought Scott reported the Standards were changed in February, 2014! That is exactly what the FLDOE web site states.
They clearly want to make the case that AIR is an independent entity outside of PARCC and Smart Balance (SBAC), but they aren’t. As reported here, AIR is partnered with the SBAC.
Would it interest you to know that Dr. Mark Schneider, AIR Vice-President and Institute Fellow for their Education Program is also sitting on the Board of the U.N. UNESCO for education and his term doesn’t end until 12/31/2015? From 2005-2008 he served as the Commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics. He is also the Vice-President at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).
Governor Scott – who have you put us in bed with this time?
Our legislature should have done much better by our children in regards to their education, but they are more interested in legislation to further their goal in regards to Charter schools and vouchers. Just why do you think that is?
They are willing to give our children the CCSS, and then they tell you to get your kids out of public school under the voucher program and into a Charter school when the Charter schools and some Private ones are using the CCSS.
Why aren’t you asking yourself WHY the big push by the Federal government and the Florida legislature to push the Charter schools and Vouchers?
This is how the Florida legislature hurt our children this past session in regard to education -
SB 188 - Student Data Privacy:
· prohibits the disclosure of confidential information exempting education records to the federal government or any person, public body, politic or political subdivision – in other words, only student information as a whole or group is to be released, not individual student information.
· Florida will be compliant with FERPA as long as FERPA regulations do NOT over-ride Florida Statute 102.222 student’s protection laid out within SB188 – to supersede this it must be done by a court order or subpoena.
· SB 188 did nothing to stop the disclosure of student education data. It must be information on the student’s as a whole – not individual.
· The Florida schools will no longer use a child’s Social Security # as their identifier – they are to be given an identifying ID# of another source.
· Florida will no longer release Biometric information of a student or a student’s parents or siblings i.e., religious or political affiliation or voting history.
· Palm scanning is still approved but for breakfast and lunch programs only. (So what will be next?)
SB188 should have gone much further focusing on our individual state’s rights in protecting our children’s information and that of their families and teachers.
HB 864 - Instructional Materials for K-12 Public Education: back in 2013 the legislature passed a law giving the local school districts the option to choose from state reviewed textbooks or the school districts could choose their own textbooks, however they would still have to be Common Core aligned.
The 2013 bill was a disaster in the first place because whoever was appointed to review the textbooks to be used has done a very bad job of it especially in the LA department.
Since the Florida Senate and House could not agree on the language within this bill the only change they made was to create an appeals process for parents to object to textbooks and a requirement for notification before a school district adopts material. Originally this bill was to have given local control of educational materials back to the districts.
They never intended to really advance anywhere with this bill since the Florida Statutes and “Next Generation Sunshine State Standards” included curriculum standards that are found within the federal Common Core Standards. Also there is the intention to still end up with standardized testing being administered by Common Core compliant testing (AIR) and funding being contingent upon the student results of the end of year exams administered by Common Core compliant testing (AIR).
What other choices do the districts have but to choose Common Core compliant instructional material?
And last but certainly not least –
HB 7031 – Education: Since 2008 the Florida Education Standards have been renamed 3 times:
· 2008 Florida Sunshine State Standards
· 2010 Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
· 2014 Florida Standards
HB 7031 was all about renaming the Common Core standards. In the 2010 legislative session the legislature passed SB 1076, which changed Sunshine State Standards to Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and defined it to include Common Core Standards in Math and English. Refer to page 8 of SB 1076: “Next Generation Sunshine State Standards” means the state’s public K-12 curricular standards, including common core standards in English Language Arts and mathematics, adopted under s. 1003.41”.
Never forget this was all done prior to the standards having been written, not read by anyone in the state nor any legislative process followed – the whole process was under the direction of the CCSSO, NGA and the bribery of Obama through RTTT.
HB 7031 simply deleted references to Common Core Standards, and despite minor changes, they are still 99.1% Common Core. They can call it what they want, it is still Common Core Standards including the other bad aspects of Common Core, including assessments, curriculum, textbooks and database.
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"!
In other words, there are people out there who are not what they seem. Some people will pretend friendship for all of the wrong reasons, such as for money, or something else that can benefit them. In either case, this is not good.
''This is an impressive crowd — the haves and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite. I call you my base.'' — George W. Bush, at the annual Al Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner, Oct. 19, 2000. I wonder if this is the same motto Gov. Scott is operating under.