How can parents … send their children to school so central planners can mold them into functionally illiterate cogs in a centrally planned machine, having just enough knowledge to do their preassigned task? How will such cogs be able to think critically, much less sustain liberty and the American experiment? The short answer is that they will not – and that is the point. Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman
"Crimes of the Educators" reveals how the
Sam Blumenfeld's Alpha-Phonics
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Samuel L. Blumenfeld May 21, 1926 - June 1, 2015 Rest in Peace!

Columbine High and New Age Philosophy
Although Columbine High School is not in the Littleton school district, it is hard to believe that it completely escaped the influences of the OBE
By Dr. Samuel L. Blumenfeld
One of the reasons why the educrats have focused on guns as the chief cause of the Littleton massacre is because Columbine High School was supposed to be the kind of progressive school where such things could never happen. Columbine High, built in 1973 and renovated in 1995 at a cost of $13.4 million, was noted for its academic and athletic records. To many educators, it was a model of what an American high school should be. But perhaps we can better understand the moral permissiveness of the school if we review some recent history.
In 1990, the Mid-Continent Regional Educational Laboratory (McRel), based in Denver, Colo., received a $12.9 million grant from the U.S. Dept. of Education to help implement Outcome-Based Education (OBE) in Colorado. The plan was called Direction 2000 and adopted at Littleton High School. In the Direction 2000 newsletter of June 1, 1990, Littleton High principal Tim Westerberg stated:
If the school's operating philosophy did not come from Judeo-Christian principles, where did it come from? The answer is to be found in the New Age philosophy that was the moving spirit behind OBE. Carol Belt, a former school board member in Englewood, Colo., was chairman of a Strategic Planning committee in charge of drawing up "vision statements" about the future. She writes: "As background material to help with the process I received materials on globalism and books by 'futurists.' One of those books was 'The Aquarian Conspiracy,' authored by Marilyn Ferguson. I was told that it was the 'best reference' to the 'new curriculum' that was coming into our school district. I read the book and decided if the 'future' that Marilyn Ferguson was predicting was in fact going to become a reality, I wanted no part of it. I discovered that this was the 'foundational book' of the 'New Age' movement."
To help the teachers in Littleton become effective change agents, they were required to attend training sessions given by the Strategic Options Initiative. The trainees were requested to read the second, third, and ninth chapters of "The Aquarian Conspiracy."
Marilyn Ferguson writes in Chapter Nine, "You can only have a new society, the visionaries have said, if you change the education of the younger generation. Yet the new society itself is the necessary force for change in education. ... Of the Aquarian conspirators surveyed, more were involved in education than in any other single category of work. ... Tens of thousands of classroom teachers, educational consultants and psychologists, counselors, administrators, researchers, and faculty members engaged in colleges of education have been among the millions engaged in personal transformation."
In other words, American schools like Columbine High have been completely paganized by educators who have adopted the occult philosophy of the Aquarian Conspiracy. It is a philosophy in conflict with Judeo-Christian teachings, and it is a philosophy that opens the door to satanism. It is impossible for a member of the Aquarian Conspiracy to be indifferent to Christianity. He or she must oppose it, for Christianity is based on absolute biblical principles that condemn pagans. And that is why the public educrats are so adamantly opposed to any acknowledgment of the biblical God in the schools.
What happened in Littleton, and what has happened in other schools and will happen in the future are the results of the rejection of biblical moral absolutes and the adoption of New Age moral relativism. Paganism is so morally permissive that it could not find a reason to interfere with the two Nazis planning to blow up the school and kill far more students than they actually managed to kill in their rampage. The fact that they also killed themselves as part of the process indicates how completely they had given their souls to Satan, the ultimate enemy of the God of the Bible.
It is obvious that no one will blame the schools for anything that happened. The New Age pagan philosophy permeates the public schools, and any child who believes in biblical religion will be at risk. Yet, it was interesting to see how totally bonded the kids at Columbine had become with their school, unable to understand how the school's permissive moral philosophy had made them vulnerable to such murderous attacks.
The two trench coat murderers would have never been able to get away with their behavior in the kind of public schools I attended as a youngster in the 1930s and '40s. In the first place, we had a dress code, which would have made such eccentric dress impossible. We had a principal who read the 23rd Psalm from the Bible at assemblies. Student behavior was far more regulated by the rules of discipline. Teachers stuck to their jobs as teachers. They were not interested in your feelings or self-esteem or sexuality. They were not change agents trying to get into your heads with pagan ideas. They respected your religion, your family's values, your individualism. They wanted to improve your life, not manipulate it. And that's why we loved our teachers and never vandalized our schools. Pity that today's kids can't enjoy the safety and security we had in those days.
Death Education at Columbine HighBy Dr. Samuel L. Blumenfeld
Last weekend, the seniors at Columbine High School graduated. They tossed their caps into the air, celebrating their liberation from twelve years of public education where they were indoctrinated in the system's moral and academic chaos and were undoubtedly glad to come out of it alive. Some of their classmates did not. They remembered those who did not, omitting the names of the two perpetrators of the massacre who were also supposed to graduate that weekend. Instead, those two chose death.
Which brings us to the subject of death education. Death education has been a part of the progressive curriculum in virtually every public school in America for at least the last fifteen years. Yet no one in the establishment, let alone the U.S. Department of Education, has sought to find out what death education is doing to the minds and souls of the millions of children who are subjected to it. But we do have plenty of anecdotal information on hand.
For example, back in 1985, Tara Becker, a student from Columbine High, went to a pro-family conference in Colorado to tell the attendees about death education at the school and the effect it had on her. Jayne Schindler, who heard Tara's testimony, reported:
Schindler writes, "Tara explained that the subject of death was integrated into many of the courses at her high school. She said that death was made to look glamorous, that living was hard, and that reincarnation would solve their problems. Students were told that they would always return to a much better life form. They would return to the 'Oversoul' and become like God.
"After one of the students at her school committed suicide, a 'suicide talking day' was held and every class was to talk about death. Class assignments were for students to write their own obituaries and suicide notes. They were told to trust their own judgment in choosing whether to live or die."
So Tara began to think of suicide as a means of solving some of her problems. She thought of liberating her spirit from enslavement to her body. She says she also wanted to die to help relieve the planet of overpopulation. These were a few of the crazy thoughts put into her head by her "educators." God knows what kind of equally crazy thoughts were put into the heads of the two killers at Columbine.
Fortunately, Tara survived death education at Columbine High and lived to talk about it. But thousands of students have committed suicide all across America and no one in Washington has even bothered to hold a hearing on the subject. It is now assumed that teenage suicide is as natural as burgers and fries. It's just one of those things that teenagers now do in America.
But what seems to be happening as death education becomes more and more sophisticated is that many of these teenagers with the suicidal urge now want to take some of their teachers and classmates with them. After all, reincarnation is an equal opportunity concept. It's for everybody.
How long has this been going on? Here are some excerpts from an article entitled "Development Opportunities for Teachers of Death Education" published in "The Clearing House" in May 1989, ten years ago:
By Dr. Samuel L. Blumenfeld
One of the reasons why the educrats have focused on guns as the chief cause of the Littleton massacre is because Columbine High School was supposed to be the kind of progressive school where such things could never happen. Columbine High, built in 1973 and renovated in 1995 at a cost of $13.4 million, was noted for its academic and athletic records. To many educators, it was a model of what an American high school should be. But perhaps we can better understand the moral permissiveness of the school if we review some recent history.
In 1990, the Mid-Continent Regional Educational Laboratory (McRel), based in Denver, Colo., received a $12.9 million grant from the U.S. Dept. of Education to help implement Outcome-Based Education (OBE) in Colorado. The plan was called Direction 2000 and adopted at Littleton High School. In the Direction 2000 newsletter of June 1, 1990, Littleton High principal Tim Westerberg stated:
- "Littleton High School is proposing a system of schooling which will be driven by a new set of 'outcome-based' graduation requirements, will provide a Program Advisor to work with each student during his or her stay at LHS, and will award diplomas to students who have demonstrated mastery of the 'outcome-based' graduation requirements through portfolios and exhibitions before a graduation committee. Balanced assessment and attention to each student's intellectual, social, physical, ethical, artistic, and emotional development are central to the project."
If the school's operating philosophy did not come from Judeo-Christian principles, where did it come from? The answer is to be found in the New Age philosophy that was the moving spirit behind OBE. Carol Belt, a former school board member in Englewood, Colo., was chairman of a Strategic Planning committee in charge of drawing up "vision statements" about the future. She writes: "As background material to help with the process I received materials on globalism and books by 'futurists.' One of those books was 'The Aquarian Conspiracy,' authored by Marilyn Ferguson. I was told that it was the 'best reference' to the 'new curriculum' that was coming into our school district. I read the book and decided if the 'future' that Marilyn Ferguson was predicting was in fact going to become a reality, I wanted no part of it. I discovered that this was the 'foundational book' of the 'New Age' movement."
To help the teachers in Littleton become effective change agents, they were required to attend training sessions given by the Strategic Options Initiative. The trainees were requested to read the second, third, and ninth chapters of "The Aquarian Conspiracy."
Marilyn Ferguson writes in Chapter Nine, "You can only have a new society, the visionaries have said, if you change the education of the younger generation. Yet the new society itself is the necessary force for change in education. ... Of the Aquarian conspirators surveyed, more were involved in education than in any other single category of work. ... Tens of thousands of classroom teachers, educational consultants and psychologists, counselors, administrators, researchers, and faculty members engaged in colleges of education have been among the millions engaged in personal transformation."
In other words, American schools like Columbine High have been completely paganized by educators who have adopted the occult philosophy of the Aquarian Conspiracy. It is a philosophy in conflict with Judeo-Christian teachings, and it is a philosophy that opens the door to satanism. It is impossible for a member of the Aquarian Conspiracy to be indifferent to Christianity. He or she must oppose it, for Christianity is based on absolute biblical principles that condemn pagans. And that is why the public educrats are so adamantly opposed to any acknowledgment of the biblical God in the schools.
What happened in Littleton, and what has happened in other schools and will happen in the future are the results of the rejection of biblical moral absolutes and the adoption of New Age moral relativism. Paganism is so morally permissive that it could not find a reason to interfere with the two Nazis planning to blow up the school and kill far more students than they actually managed to kill in their rampage. The fact that they also killed themselves as part of the process indicates how completely they had given their souls to Satan, the ultimate enemy of the God of the Bible.
It is obvious that no one will blame the schools for anything that happened. The New Age pagan philosophy permeates the public schools, and any child who believes in biblical religion will be at risk. Yet, it was interesting to see how totally bonded the kids at Columbine had become with their school, unable to understand how the school's permissive moral philosophy had made them vulnerable to such murderous attacks.
The two trench coat murderers would have never been able to get away with their behavior in the kind of public schools I attended as a youngster in the 1930s and '40s. In the first place, we had a dress code, which would have made such eccentric dress impossible. We had a principal who read the 23rd Psalm from the Bible at assemblies. Student behavior was far more regulated by the rules of discipline. Teachers stuck to their jobs as teachers. They were not interested in your feelings or self-esteem or sexuality. They were not change agents trying to get into your heads with pagan ideas. They respected your religion, your family's values, your individualism. They wanted to improve your life, not manipulate it. And that's why we loved our teachers and never vandalized our schools. Pity that today's kids can't enjoy the safety and security we had in those days.
Death Education at Columbine HighBy Dr. Samuel L. Blumenfeld
Last weekend, the seniors at Columbine High School graduated. They tossed their caps into the air, celebrating their liberation from twelve years of public education where they were indoctrinated in the system's moral and academic chaos and were undoubtedly glad to come out of it alive. Some of their classmates did not. They remembered those who did not, omitting the names of the two perpetrators of the massacre who were also supposed to graduate that weekend. Instead, those two chose death.
Which brings us to the subject of death education. Death education has been a part of the progressive curriculum in virtually every public school in America for at least the last fifteen years. Yet no one in the establishment, let alone the U.S. Department of Education, has sought to find out what death education is doing to the minds and souls of the millions of children who are subjected to it. But we do have plenty of anecdotal information on hand.
For example, back in 1985, Tara Becker, a student from Columbine High, went to a pro-family conference in Colorado to tell the attendees about death education at the school and the effect it had on her. Jayne Schindler, who heard Tara's testimony, reported:
- Tara brought with her a booklet she had helped to compile for one of her school classes. This booklet was called "Masquerade" and was full of subliminal pictures and prose. Tara explained how she had been taught to use the hidden, double meaning, subliminals and how she had focused so much of her time and attention on death that she, herself, had tried to commit suicide.
Schindler writes, "Tara explained that the subject of death was integrated into many of the courses at her high school. She said that death was made to look glamorous, that living was hard, and that reincarnation would solve their problems. Students were told that they would always return to a much better life form. They would return to the 'Oversoul' and become like God.
"After one of the students at her school committed suicide, a 'suicide talking day' was held and every class was to talk about death. Class assignments were for students to write their own obituaries and suicide notes. They were told to trust their own judgment in choosing whether to live or die."
So Tara began to think of suicide as a means of solving some of her problems. She thought of liberating her spirit from enslavement to her body. She says she also wanted to die to help relieve the planet of overpopulation. These were a few of the crazy thoughts put into her head by her "educators." God knows what kind of equally crazy thoughts were put into the heads of the two killers at Columbine.
Fortunately, Tara survived death education at Columbine High and lived to talk about it. But thousands of students have committed suicide all across America and no one in Washington has even bothered to hold a hearing on the subject. It is now assumed that teenage suicide is as natural as burgers and fries. It's just one of those things that teenagers now do in America.
But what seems to be happening as death education becomes more and more sophisticated is that many of these teenagers with the suicidal urge now want to take some of their teachers and classmates with them. After all, reincarnation is an equal opportunity concept. It's for everybody.
How long has this been going on? Here are some excerpts from an article entitled "Development Opportunities for Teachers of Death Education" published in "The Clearing House" in May 1989, ten years ago:
- This article reaffirms the need for death education and offers some methods for improving pedagogical skills of teachers.
A task force appointed by the president of the Association for Death Education and Counseling ... is charged to (1) carry out a study of the current state of death education in U.S. schools, (2) make recommendations for the ideal K-12 curriculum in death education, and (3) make recommendations for minimal knowledge, skills, and attitudes that teachers should possess before attempting to teach death education to children. ...
Although we can assume that most pedagogical efforts are sound, recent examples have surfaced, depicting mis-education and ill handling of attempts to address dimensions of dying and death. Consider the following items from the Dallas Morning Press:
- "Some have blamed death education classes for the suicides of two students who attended courses in Illinois and Missouri. Other students have suffered traumatic reactions. Minimally trained or untrained teachers have asked first graders to make model coffins out of shoe boxes; other students have been instructed to sit in coffins, measure themselves for caskets, list 10 ways of dying (including violent death), attend an embalming and touch an undraped corpse."
Certainly mistakes do occur in many instructional settings and some minimally trained teachers may, on occasion, handle situations inappropriately. But let us hope that the above examples are rare and that effective death education is the norm in our schools throughout America.
- "Some have blamed death education classes for the suicides of two students who attended courses in Illinois and Missouri. Other students have suffered traumatic reactions. Minimally trained or untrained teachers have asked first graders to make model coffins out of shoe boxes; other students have been instructed to sit in coffins, measure themselves for caskets, list 10 ways of dying (including violent death), attend an embalming and touch an undraped corpse."
- There you have it. A plea made ten years ago for "effective death education," whatever that is. What is "effective" death education? Can the educators tell us? What about simply eliminating death education? But that won't happen, because if we did, we'd have to get rid of values clarification, sensitivity training, transcendental meditation, out-of-body experience, magic circles, outcome based education, drug ed, sex ed, suicide ed, and now massacre ed.
Incidentally, the National Education Association has played an active role in promoting death education. It sponsored the writing and publication of "Death and Dying Education" by Prof. Richard O. Ulin of the University of Massachusetts. The book, written in 1978, includes an 18-week syllabus for the death educator.
Dr. R. J. Rushdoony has written, "Humanistic education is the institutionalized love of death." Meanwhile, the best the schools and President Clinton can offer the kids is grief counseling and conflict resolution by trained counselors who will have a lot more work to do in the future.