“It’s clear these schools are being used both to raise funds for Gulen and employ Gulen followers and teachers and basically have them tie a percent of their income back to Gulen,” said Robert Amsterdam, a London-based lawyer hired by the Turkish government who is investigating charter schools in the U.S. that he alleges are linked to Gulen.
These lists are not comprehensive. We add new organizations as we find them. Note that Gulenists constantly rename their organizations, dissolve existing ones, and form new ones, as part of their strategy of hiding their activities.
The Gulen non-profit organizations and research organizations are dedicated to the promotion of peace and civic welfare so they say. The Gülen Institute maintains an international focus that is unique in Houston, and our primary goal is to advance original academic work in the areas of Conflict Resolution, Poverty, and Education that articulates the challenges faced by global communities and theorizes possible solutions. We acknowledge the fundamental role that governments play in advancing social harmony, but we believe that lasting solutions to the problems of today have to involve the civic sector.
The Gulen non-profit organizations and research organizations are dedicated to the promotion of peace and civic welfare so they say. The Gülen Institute maintains an international focus that is unique in Houston, and our primary goal is to advance original academic work in the areas of Conflict Resolution, Poverty, and Education that articulates the challenges faced by global communities and theorizes possible solutions. We acknowledge the fundamental role that governments play in advancing social harmony, but we believe that lasting solutions to the problems of today have to involve the civic sector.
Research: At the Gulen Institute, our research agenda seeks to explore the role civil society plays in facilitating positive social change. This goal is accomplished through a variety of research programs.
Youth Platform: The Youth Platform is an international essay contest organized annually by the Gulen Institute. High school students from any country are prompted to discuss potential solutions to global challenges. http://www.guleninstitute.org/
Through Essay and Art Contests every year, this is how the Gulen Institute claims they decide who will be given free trips to Turkey each summer. http://gulenyouthplatform.org/youth-platform-2015-winners/
Accounts of Gulen Youth Trips Each Year http://turkishinvitations.weebly.com/gulenist-turkey-trip-accounts.html
Youth Platform: The Youth Platform is an international essay contest organized annually by the Gulen Institute. High school students from any country are prompted to discuss potential solutions to global challenges. http://www.guleninstitute.org/
Through Essay and Art Contests every year, this is how the Gulen Institute claims they decide who will be given free trips to Turkey each summer. http://gulenyouthplatform.org/youth-platform-2015-winners/
Accounts of Gulen Youth Trips Each Year http://turkishinvitations.weebly.com/gulenist-turkey-trip-accounts.html