Community education, also known as Community Oriented Policing Services, Community-based education or Community learning & development which refers to an organization's programs to promote learning and social development work with individuals and groups in their communities using a range of formal and informal methods. A common defining feature is that programmes and activities are developed in dialogue with communities and participants. The purpose of community learning and development is to develop the capacity of individuals and groups of all ages through their actions, the capacity of communities, to improve their quality of life. Central to this is their ability to participate in democratic processes. IN THE END, ALL BUSINESS AND CORPORATIONS WITHIN YOUR VILLAGE, TOWN, CITY, and COUNTY WILL HAVE DECISION MAKING RIGHTS OVER YOUR CHILDREN.
Also referred to as the COPS Program, understand this in no way refers to policemen. In communist Shirley McCune's words, it is "a total restructuring of our society" which has been mentioned many times by Sen. Lamar Alexander and Shirley McCune and in the past by Terrell Bell and other legislators.
Community education, also known as Community Oriented Policing Services, Community-based education or Community learning & development which refers to an organization's programs to promote learning and social development work with individuals and groups in their communities using a range of formal and informal methods. A common defining feature is that programmes and activities are developed in dialogue with communities and participants. The purpose of community learning and development is to develop the capacity of individuals and groups of all ages through their actions, the capacity of communities, to improve their quality of life. Central to this is their ability to participate in democratic processes. IN THE END, ALL BUSINESS AND CORPORATIONS WITHIN YOUR VILLAGE, TOWN, CITY, and COUNTY WILL HAVE DECISION MAKING RIGHTS OVER YOUR CHILDREN.
Also referred to as the COPS Program, understand this in no way refers to policemen. In communist Shirley McCune's words, it is "a total restructuring of our society" which has been mentioned many times by Sen. Lamar Alexander and Shirley McCune and in the past by Terrell Bell and other legislators.
In 1951 and in referencing Community Education/COPS which is Communist based, the Honorable John T. Wood (ID) referred in his "Report to the American People on UNESCO" that the concepts and philosophies which were to be taught under the COPS program in the classrooms throughout America "as the most malignant plot in history against the future of this country and its children's children". He described UNESCO as, "an association which may shortly transform our schools into laboratories for the systematic destruction of all sense of national allegiance and loyalty in the minds and hearts of America's school children."
What Congressman Wood was referencing was the fact the COPS program/initiative is Communist based. In 1949, UNESCO had released a series of booklets entitled "Toward World Understanding", from which the following quotes were taken from :
And the Father of Communist Education John Dewey carried out the above duty in his teachings:
Formal Education has a contributory role to play in providing needed information and promoting changed attitudes toward a new world order...Democracy in education would mean the teaching of those values,attitudes, and abilities most likely to contribute to the development of such a world order.
- "In our time, we need to dedicate education to the service of the human community as a whole. The ideal to be pursued is that, whether in the home, the social environment or the school, our children should be educated to live with others and to prepare themselves for CITIZENSHIP IN A WORLD SOCIETY...the school must also equip him with a wider knowledge of the nations and people who make up that community...
- "... it is far better to familiarize the child with the social geography of his time, and to foster in him those interests and concerns which will make him able and WILLING, in due course, to collaborate with people of different races and traditions in the FULFILMENT of the obligation of a WORLD CITIZEN..."
- "The sucess of the teacher in bringing up his pupils to be good CITIZENS OF THE WORLD..."
- "World-wide organization for the conduct of human affairs is therefore essential. No teacher with a sense of realism and even an elementary knowledge of world affairs will ignore this basic need or be indifferent to its consequences for education. World machinery is required; and human beings with the right outlook are required to utilize it or insist that machinery of world co-operation and to foster the growth of the spirit that will make it function. Education has, in short, the urgent duty to develop informed and competent world citizens."
And the Father of Communist Education John Dewey carried out the above duty in his teachings:
Formal Education has a contributory role to play in providing needed information and promoting changed attitudes toward a new world order...Democracy in education would mean the teaching of those values,attitudes, and abilities most likely to contribute to the development of such a world order.
This is the Major report on Community Education written by Ruth Field and Jil Wilson.
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1946 Documentation of the PLAN to COMMUNIZE AMERICAN EDUCATION
One of the Most Important Early Documents
One of the Most Important Early Documents
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Do You Know What Your Grandchildren Believe?
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LIKE SPOKES TO A HUB: Chief's for Change in Bush's (Jeb) Service
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President George H.W.Bush remarks in 1991 re: Restructuring of American Education from Academics to the "failed" Soviet Polytech System (the 2006 Work Force Legislation - School to Work)
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Sen. Lamar Alexander "Cradle to Career" Education
McCune's "total restructuring of our society"
Note: In the late nineties Charlotte Iserbyt arranged a meeting with Maine's Commissioner of Education, Leo Martin, regarding many controversial federally-funded programs, including a pilot project being carried out in Kansas and Nebraska.
In Charlotte's book "Deliberate Dumbing Down" page 193:
a Future for Education” for Kansas; and 2) “Strategic Planning and Furthering Excellence in
Millard Public Schools” for Nebraska, both of which were assigned to Dr. Shirley McCune
of the MidContinent Regional Educational Laboratory (McREL) as project director. These
two projects, based on the work of the New Age Naisbitt Group founded by John Naisbitt
who authored Megatrends, served as national pilots for OBE restructuring of America from a
“representative democracy” to a “participatory democracy—moving from a left versus right
politics to a politics of the radical center,” in Dr. McCune’s words. McCune became famous
(or infamous) during the National Governors’ Association conference in Wichita, Kansas in
1989 when she said:
What we’re into is the total restructuring of society. What is happening in America today
and what is happening in Kansas and the Great Plains is not simply a chance situation in
the usual winds of change. What it amounts to is a total transformation of society.... Our
total society is in a crisis of restructuring and you can’t get away from it. You can’t go into
rural areas, you can’t go into the churches, you can’t go into government or into business
and hide from the fact that what we are facing is the total restructuring of our society.
[Ed. Note: In the 1996 entry regarding McCune’s book, The Light Shall Set You Free (Athena
Publishing, Alpha Connections: Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1996 ), McCune expressed her belief
that “each individual is a co-creator with the Divine.”]
In Charlotte's book "Deliberate Dumbing Down" page 193:
a Future for Education” for Kansas; and 2) “Strategic Planning and Furthering Excellence in
Millard Public Schools” for Nebraska, both of which were assigned to Dr. Shirley McCune
of the MidContinent Regional Educational Laboratory (McREL) as project director. These
two projects, based on the work of the New Age Naisbitt Group founded by John Naisbitt
who authored Megatrends, served as national pilots for OBE restructuring of America from a
“representative democracy” to a “participatory democracy—moving from a left versus right
politics to a politics of the radical center,” in Dr. McCune’s words. McCune became famous
(or infamous) during the National Governors’ Association conference in Wichita, Kansas in
1989 when she said:
What we’re into is the total restructuring of society. What is happening in America today
and what is happening in Kansas and the Great Plains is not simply a chance situation in
the usual winds of change. What it amounts to is a total transformation of society.... Our
total society is in a crisis of restructuring and you can’t get away from it. You can’t go into
rural areas, you can’t go into the churches, you can’t go into government or into business
and hide from the fact that what we are facing is the total restructuring of our society.
[Ed. Note: In the 1996 entry regarding McCune’s book, The Light Shall Set You Free (Athena
Publishing, Alpha Connections: Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1996 ), McCune expressed her belief
that “each individual is a co-creator with the Divine.”]
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Obama's "Community Schools" Aim To Replace Parents Link
The very sad part about this it isn't Obama's - it has been in the works sine the last 1940's - legislators knew it - a marriage of the world to Russia and America was the target!
ESEA Part B - 21st Century Community Learning Centers
Watch More Tax Dollars Fly Away!
Watch More Tax Dollars Fly Away!
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This is the best informational book available to all for "free" in pdf form to learn about the plans the "powers to be" have in play for the world - not just America. The information compiled within this book is presented by those who have researched and/or worked within the education world for years. You may purchase the 8 disc set here. This project was the brainchild of Charlotte Iserbyt, who is the consummate whistleblower! Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America's classrooms
Community Education & UN Agenda 21 – Same Roots?
Community Education was admitted to be the Chinese Communist System at a Community Education Conference in Washington, D.C. in 1976. Americans concerned over Agenda 21, ICLEI, regional government (Communist unelected council form of government) and many other United Nations/global-oriented programs may have overlooked a very important international component, if not the entity, which may have been the precursor for UN Agenda 21. The following can be found within "Exposing the Global Road to Ruin through Education" pages 49-71.
N.I. Bukharin and E. Preobrazhensky: The ABC of Communism
Chapter 10: Communism and Education§ 76. The school under the bourgeois regime
In bourgeois society the school has three principal tasks to fulfil. First, it inspires the coming generation of workers with devotion and respect for the capitalist régime. Secondly, it creates from the young of the ruling classes 'cultured' controllers of the working population. Thirdly, it assists capitalist production in the application of sciences to technique, thus increasing capitalist profits.
As regards the first of these tasks, just as in the bourgeois army the 'right spirit' is inculcated by the officers, so in the schools under the capitalist régime the necessary influence is mainly exercised by the caste of 'officers of popular enlightenment'. The teachers in the public elementary schools receive a special course of training by which they are prepared for their role of beast tamers. Only persons who have thoroughly acquired the bourgeois outlook have the entry into the schools as teachers. The ministries of education in the capitalist régime are ever on the watch, and they ruthlessly purge the teaching profession of all dangerous (by which they mean socialist) elements. The German public elementary schools served prior to the revolution as supplements to the barracks of William II, and were shining examples of the way in which the landed gentry and the bourgeoisie can make use of the school for the manufacture of faithful and blind slaves of capital. In the elementary schools of the capitalist régime, instruction is given in accordance with a definite programme perfectly adapted for the breaking-in of the pupils to the capitalist system. All the text-books are written in an appropriate spirit. The whole of bourgeois literature subserves the same end, for it is written by persons who look upon the bourgeois social order as natural, perdurable, and the best of all possible régimes. In this way the scholars are imperceptibly stuffed with bourgeois ideology; they are infected with enthusiasm for all bourgeois virtues; they are inspired with esteem for wealth, renown, titles and order; they aspire to get on in the world, they long for personal comfort, and so on. The work of bourgeois educationists is completed by the servants of the church with their religious instruction. Thanks to the intimate associations between capital and the church, the law of God invariably proves to be the law of the possessing classes. READ MORE
As regards the first of these tasks, just as in the bourgeois army the 'right spirit' is inculcated by the officers, so in the schools under the capitalist régime the necessary influence is mainly exercised by the caste of 'officers of popular enlightenment'. The teachers in the public elementary schools receive a special course of training by which they are prepared for their role of beast tamers. Only persons who have thoroughly acquired the bourgeois outlook have the entry into the schools as teachers. The ministries of education in the capitalist régime are ever on the watch, and they ruthlessly purge the teaching profession of all dangerous (by which they mean socialist) elements. The German public elementary schools served prior to the revolution as supplements to the barracks of William II, and were shining examples of the way in which the landed gentry and the bourgeoisie can make use of the school for the manufacture of faithful and blind slaves of capital. In the elementary schools of the capitalist régime, instruction is given in accordance with a definite programme perfectly adapted for the breaking-in of the pupils to the capitalist system. All the text-books are written in an appropriate spirit. The whole of bourgeois literature subserves the same end, for it is written by persons who look upon the bourgeois social order as natural, perdurable, and the best of all possible régimes. In this way the scholars are imperceptibly stuffed with bourgeois ideology; they are infected with enthusiasm for all bourgeois virtues; they are inspired with esteem for wealth, renown, titles and order; they aspire to get on in the world, they long for personal comfort, and so on. The work of bourgeois educationists is completed by the servants of the church with their religious instruction. Thanks to the intimate associations between capital and the church, the law of God invariably proves to be the law of the possessing classes. READ MORE
"Community Education" aka UN Agenda 21/Regionalism/Communism? by Charlotte Iserbyt 8/25/2014
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